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Understanding and Choosing Electronic Speed Controllers (ESCs) for Drones

by yangjulia 24 Jul 2023 0 Comments

The full name of the electronic component is an Electronic Speed Controller (ESC), commonly abbreviated as ESC. Its main function in unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) is to convert direct current into alternating current and control the motor's speed, much like a gearbox in a car.

ESC Classification:

Based on functionality, ESCs can be divided into two types: those with a Battery Elimination Circuit (BEC) and those without it. The BEC is a voltage regulator that supplies power, usually at 5V, to the flight controller or receiver. Most multi-rotor ESCs do not have a BEC, while RC models typically use ESCs with a BEC.

Based on the type, ESCs can be categorized as one-way and two-way. One-way ESCs cannot change the motor direction through signal control, while two-way ESCs can control motor direction (usually used in high-performance 3D aerobatic models to execute 3D maneuvers).

ESC Selection:

  1. ESCs are selected based on their current capacity, which should match the maximum current rating of the motor. It is crucial to choose a higher current capacity (e.g., 5A or 10A) rather than lower values (e.g., 1A or 2A) to provide a safety margin and prevent burning out the ESC. The reason for choosing 5A or 10A can be found in the ESC specifications available online.

  2. Whether the ESC has a brake function is more flexible for high-performance models. For regular models, the presence or absence of a brake function does not significantly impact performance.

  3. Overcurrent protection is essential. During flight, it is challenging to prevent crashes. When the motor gets stuck or blocked, the current can become very high. ESCs with overcurrent protection will not burn out in such situations.

  4. Response speed, similar to a car's gearbox. Faster response speed results in more agility, while slower response speed can make the model less responsive, like an old car with a sluggish accelerator.

  5. Voltage compatibility is crucial. Using ESCs with voltage higher than the specifications may lead to overheating and damage. On the other hand, using ESCs with insufficient voltage support may not drive the motor effectively, so proper matching with the motor is essential.

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