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Safety in operating agricultural drones

by yangjulia 30 Mar 2023 0 Comments
  1. Safety of the Agricultural Drone

  2. Before operating the drone, inspect the body parts to check for damage or any mismatches. If any issues are found, eliminate the potential hazards in a timely manner to prevent accidents.

  3. Before operating the drone, check the drone arm for stability and ensure that the propeller direction is correct. If any issues are found, eliminate the potential hazards in a timely manner to prevent accidents.

  4. During takeoff and landing of the drone, select a flat and open area to prevent damage to the drone caused by uneven terrain.

  5. When planning the field layout, carefully observe the obstacles within and around the field, measure the obstacles, and avoid collisions between the agricultural drone and obstacles.

  6. Safety of the Operator

The drone operator must have the appropriate operating certification; otherwise, they should not operate the drone.

  1. The drone operator must wear protective equipment to avoid inhaling excessive amounts of pesticides, which could be harmful to their health.

  2. The drone operator must ensure the proper functioning of the drone to prevent damage to themselves, others, the drone, or the crops caused by mechanical issues.

  3. Do not mix pesticides in enclosed spaces or downwind conditions, as this could cause toxic exposure.

  4. Safety of the Public

  5. Do not allow the public to approach the drone while it is idle to prevent accidents.

  6. During drone operation, do not allow individuals to remain in the field to avoid harm caused by pesticides or the drone.

  7. During drone operation, maintain a safety distance of more than 5 meters between the operator and the public to prevent accidents.

  8. Safety of the Crops

  9. Before operating the drone, the operator must check the flow rate, nozzle blockages, spray nozzle atomization, and the signal status of the drone.

  10. During drone operation, strictly control the flight path and weather conditions to avoid pesticide damage caused by overspray.

  11. During drone operation, ensure that the water spray is applied as required to avoid pesticide damage caused by excessive concentration.

  12. Pay attention to weather conditions:

4.1 Do not operate the drone in temperatures exceeding 35°C to avoid heat damage and evaporation of the pesticide.

4.2 Do not operate the drone in temperatures below 10°C to avoid low-temperature pesticide damage caused by the pesticide remaining on the surface of the plants for an extended period.

4.3 Do not operate the drone in winds above level 3 to prevent drift damage and waste of the pesticide.

4.4 Do not operate the drone within 8 hours of rainfall to avoid wasting pesticide by being washed away by rainwater.

  1. Safety of Surrounding Crops

Pay attention to weather conditions to avoid drift damage caused by excessive wind during drone operation.

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